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Israel Monitoring “Hussein Division”… Concerned About its Lebanese Members

The group was was an initiative by the former Iranian Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, according to Syria TV.
Israel Monitoring “Hussein Division”… Concerned About its Lebanese Members

Israel is closely monitoring the “Hussein Division” activities in Syria and has expressed deep concerns about its Lebanese members. The Israeli “Walla” website reported insights from sources within the Israeli Military Intelligence Division, “Aman,” cautioning that the “Al-Hussein Division,” which is linked to Iran and Hezbollah, is poised to play an active role in any potential multi-front conflict involving Israel and its adversaries.

These sources raised alarms on Saturday regarding the division, estimating its membership to consist of around 6,000 Shiite individuals of various nationalities. They are led by “Zulfikar Hinnawi,” who has Hezbollah roots and is expected to act against Israel under the influence of Iran and Hezbollah.

It’s noteworthy that both leaders and members of the “Al-Hussein Division” have been targeted by the Israeli occupation army since 2017 as part of Israel’s “battle between wars” strategy to counter the Iranian presence in Syria.

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The formation of the “Al-Hussein Division” was initiated by the former Iranian Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, with the objective of bolstering Iran’s military presence in Syria. This division’s establishment resulted from an agreement reached in 2016 between Soleimani and the Syrian regime’s leader, Bashar al-Assad, intending to legitimize Iran’s military presence in the country.

Hinnawi, aged 42, who previously led a group of Hezbollah members near Aleppo, impressed Soleimani, leading to his appointment as the head of the “Al-Hussein Division” in 2016. Despite Soleimani’s demise, this division’s activities persist, driven by guidance from Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah and sustained Iranian funding.

The “Hussein Division” includes members from various countries, including Nigeria, Mali, Niger, Lebanon, and Afghanistan. Each recruit receives a substantial monthly salary, and they are stationed in strategic locations such as Palmyra, the region between Aleppo and Homs, Albukamal, the Al-Tanf Triangle, and along the border with Turkey.

Of particular concern to the Tel Aviv military establishment are the 1,000 Lebanese members of the division who possess vital strategic military assets, including drones, surface-to-surface missiles, and Iranian-manufactured surface-to-air missiles.

These sources emphasize that these Lebanese members are highly trained and operate advanced military systems, collectively forming a formidable military force in their own right.

The “Al-Hussein Division” launched surface-to-surface missiles toward Israel in 2019, and a similar missile attack occurred four months later. In August 2019, Israel successfully thwarted the division’s attempt to launch four drones into Israeli territory.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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