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U.S. State Department Rejects Turkish Incursion Into Syria, SDF Commander Vows to Respond

The SDC stressed the U.S.’ and Russia’s categorical rejection of any Turkish incursion, according to North Press.
U.S. State Department Rejects Turkish Incursion Into Syria, SDF Commander Vows to Respond

The representative of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) in the U.S., Sinem Muhammad, said Sunday that the “U.S. Department of State informed the SDC office in the country of its rejection of any [Turkish] military operation, whether air or ground, against the areas held by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in north and east Syria.”

In a statement to North Press, Muhammad said that the U.S. intends to keep its forces in their positions in north and northeast Syria, despite the repeated Turkish bombardment and Turkey’s attempt to impede the work of the US-led Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS.

Muhammad added that the U.S. had known about Ankara’s intention to launch heavy airstrikes. Despite the vehement U.S. rejection of the Turkish airstrikes and artillery shelling, Turkey did it anyway, she said.

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Since Saturday night, Turkey has launched many airstrikes and artillery shells on dozens of different positions in north and northeast Syria. The attacks killed 11 civilians, including a journalist, and wounded nine others, according to the SDF Media Center.

Muhammad stressed the U.S.’ and Russia’s categorical rejection of any Turkish incursion that would end up with seizing more Syrian territory, similar to what happened in Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) and Tel Abyad in 2019.

She continued, “The U.S. Department of State leads intensive diplomatic efforts to stop the Turkish air raids on north and northeast Syria.”

Muhammad denounced the silence of the Arab countries regarding the recent Turkish escalation that targets the region’s residents and its infrastructure, which will only exacerbate the suffering of the Syrian people. “The Arab countries have not taken any opposing stance regarding that,” she said.


The SDF Commander in Chief, Mazloum Abdi, vowed on Monday, that the SDF will respond to the recent Turkish airstrikes on areas in northern Syria.

Abdi said, in a tweet in the Kurdish language, “We, as people of Rojava know us, will never remain silent on Turkish state’s massacres.”

The SDF Commander in Chief vowed, “We will respond to massacres of the Turkish state.”

Abdi attached photos of funeral of the victims of the Turkish bombardment on the countryside of Derik, in the far northeast Syria, to the tweet.

He wrote, “The city of Derik is mourning 11 civilian victims of Turkish genocide’s attacks.”

He added, “We are reverently commemorating these martyrs and console their families and wish for the wounded to be healed.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.


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