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Opposition Slams UN for ‘Covering Up Assad Regime and Russia’s Crimes’

Haytham Rahmeh, slammed the statement the UN issued on Sunday in response to the Idleb attack, according to the SOC Media Department.
Opposition Slams UN for ‘Covering Up Assad Regime and Russia’s Crimes’

Secretary-General of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Haytham Rahmeh, slammed the statement the UN issued on Sunday in response to the bloody attack that the Assad regime and Russian forces launched against camps for the internally displaced people in western rural Idleb.

Rahmeh said that “the United Nations continues to cover up the crimes of the Assad regime and Russia against Syrian civilians. Although the details of the criminal attack on the Maram camp for the IDP were known to everyone, the United Nations did not name the perpetrators in its statement.”

UN Statement on Idleb Camp Massacre: ‘Disappointing’

“While cluster bombs are raining down on camps for the IDP, the United Nations statement fell short of mentioning the details of the crime. The statement was regrettably limited to expressing concern.”

Rahmeh pointed out that the United Nations is keeping silent on the Assad regime and Russia’s deliberate targeting of camps for displaced persons. He added that the UN statement represents blatant falsification of facts, obvious bias towards the murderous Assad regime, and a complete departure from the required impartiality.

Rahmeh called on the United Nations to deal seriously and justly with the Syrian file; seek accountability, explicitly condemn the criminals; and go beyond expressing concern over war crimes.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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