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Air Defense System in the Lot: International Coalition Sends More Reinforcements to Syria

The international coalition forces have deployed new military reinforcements to their bases in northeastern Syria, Syria TV says.
Air Defense System in the Lot: International Coalition Sends More Reinforcements to Syria

The international coalition forces have deployed new military reinforcements to their bases in northeastern Syria, which now include a short-range air defence system.

According to the local Euphrates Post network, a convoy of coalition forces arrived Monday morning in Hassakeh. The convoy comprised several closed trucks and oil tankers, alongside air defense systems identified as Avenger.

The Avenger, designated AN/TWQ-1, is mounted on American Humvee multirole vehicles and serves as a short-range defence system. It is designed to engage low-altitude air targets such as helicopters, drones, cruise missiles, and close-in fighter bombers. The system features an autonomous radar and missile array mounted on a platform, capable of operating independently on fixed platforms or various military vehicles.

The international coalition builds watchtowers on the Euphrates River 

Last week, the international coalition forces commenced the construction of watchtowers in several villages along the Euphrates River in the eastern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor. This initiative aims to enhance area monitoring and bolster security control.

According to the local website al-Khabour, the coalition has begun erecting these watchtowers in villages including Jadid Akidat, Jadid Bakara, al-Sabha, Abrihah, al-Busaira, al-Zar, and al-Shuhail, east of Deir-ez-Zor. 

The source indicated that a dedicated military committee has been formed by the coalition to conduct on-site assessments and determine precise tower placements. It was further noted that the committee has decided to establish 142 towers spanning from the aforementioned villages to al-Baghouz village on the Syrian border with Iraq.

The primary objective of these towers is to monitor the activities of Iranian militias along the Euphrates River, prevent their cross-border infiltration into the Jazira region, and curb the smuggling of arms and ammunition in the area.

International coalition forces in Syria 

The US-led international coalition is deploying approximately 900 troops and hundreds of contractors in Syria to prevent the resurgence of ISIS, which was nominally defeated in 2019 after a five-year war. 

According to the Jusoor Center for Studies, the coalition maintains 28 bases and sites in Syria, including 17 in Hassakeh governorate, 9 in Deir-ez-Zor, and two bases in the al-Tanf area on the border triangle with Iraq and Jordan.

Since the outbreak of the war in Gaza, Iranian militias have targeted US bases and forces in Syria and Iraq. Between October 7th and February 2nd, there were at least 160 attacks, including 16 targeting the al-Tanf base on the Syrian-Jordanian-Iraqi border triangle.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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