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Syrian-Turkish Rapprochement Aims at Pressuring AANES – Politician

A Turkish drone targeted a vehicle carrying fighters affiliated with the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria, according to North Press.
Syrian-Turkish Rapprochement Aims at Pressuring AANES – Politician

The rapprochement between Syria and Turkey is a complement war against the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), Syrian political said on Sunday.
Thamer al-Shammari, chair of Future Syrian Party in Deir ez-Zor, eastern Syria, told North Press that the rapprochement between Syria and Turkey is clear: to attack the AANES, target prominent figures in northeast Syria, and undermine security and stability in the region.
On October 12th, a Turkish drone targeted a vehicle carrying fighters affiliated with the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria (Asayish). They were returning from the commemoration ceremony of the party’s former co-chair Hevrin Khalaf in Derik (al-Malikiyah) in far northeast Syria.

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The strike killed a fighter of the Syriac Security Office and injured others.
Hevrin Khalaf was assassinated on October 12, 2019, by militants of the Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya faction during Turkey’s offensive on the cities of Tel Abyad and Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) in north and northeast Syria, respectively.
“The rapprochement is a complement war launched by Turkey, which has cut off the water of the Euphrates River to Syria, controlled areas in northeast Syria, and changed its demography,” al-Shammari added.
“In addition, Turkey has targeted political and military figures of the AANES.”
The AANES was first formed in 2014 in the Kurdish-majority regions of Afrin, Kobani and Jazira in northern Syria following the withdrawal of the government forces. Later, it was expanded to Manbij, Tabqa, Raqqa, Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor after the SDF defeated ISIS militarily there.
The AANES has called on the international community and the US-led Global Coalition to impose a no-fly zone in northeastern Syria.
Through this rapprochement, Ankara seeks international support to attack northeastern Syria, and Damascus tries to break down its isolation, according to Shammari.
In August, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan revealed intelligence collaboration between his country and the Syrian government regarding what he called “fighting terrorism.”
By “terrorism,” Erdogan refers to the AANES and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
A report published by Reuters on September 15th, showcased Turkish-Syrian contacts on an intelligence level to mend the fences between the two countries, noting that Russia has a key role in the ongoing conversations.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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