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Syria With Steadfast Palestinians Against Israeli Enemy: Presidential Advisor

Bouthaina Shaaban accused the U.S. of shielding Israel from accountability for its crimes, according to SANA.
Syria Palestine Israel
Syria With Steadfast Palestinians Against Israeli Enemy: Presidential Advisor

The Special Adviser to the Presidency of the Republic, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, has reiterated Syria’s standing by the steadfast Palestinian people in the face of the Israeli enemy that targets the Arab nation as a whole.
Shaaban’s remarks came during a meeting in solidarity with the Palestinian people held Sunday at the headquarters of the Palestinian National Council in Damascus.
Dr. Shaaban said that the Israeli occupation is waging a war of extermination against the Palestinian people with the support of the United States, which protects it from any accountability for its crimes.
She added that the countries that claim to defend human rights stand silent in the face of the occupation’s crimes, in clear evidence that the schemes of the West target us all as Arabs.

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Dr. Shaaban pointed out that the Israeli occupation is sowing division and dispersing Arab positions to weaken the nation.
She added that “whoever weakens Syria weakens himself, and whoever weakens Palestine weakens himself, we are one nation with one history and one destiny, and we have to stand united in confronting the Israeli enemy.”
Shaaban noted that the Palestinian people alone are facing the fierce Israeli military machine with their women, children, prisoners and resistance fighters and should not be left alone in defending their homeland.
In turn, Talal Naji, secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), said: We thank Syria for its principled stances in support of the Palestinian people and their rights in confronting the Israeli occupation.
For his part, Ismael al-Sindawi, representative of the Palestinian Jihad Movement, affirmed that the Palestinian people stand united in the face of the Israeli occupation and present martyr after martyr in defence of their land and rights.
The solidarity meeting with the Palestinian people affirmed in a statement that the treacherous Zionist aggression against the people in Gaza comes in continuation of an aggressive approach and a policy based on the systematic killing that the Israeli occupation authorities are accustomed to.
The statement added that Damascus, the heart of Arabism, which has been able to defeat the most dangerous project that targeted the Arab nation and the region thanks to the sacrifices of its people and army, has not compromised on the Palestine cause as it is the central cause of the Arabs.
The statement said that all the resistance forces meeting in Damascus affirm their continued support in all forms for the people in Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip and to the resistant peoples in the entire arenas of confrontation from the Golan to the West Bank and all the occupied Arab territories.
The statement noted that the resistance forces condemn in the strongest terms the Zionist terrorist aggression and demand its cessation and call on all the sons of the Arab nation to express their stances towards what is happening to their brothers in occupied Palestine.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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