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What Happened Over the Weekend in Syria

Russia calls for end of U.S. impunity in Syria, attacks in Suweida, and strikes on Idleb. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.
What Happened Over the Weekend in Syria

Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Gennady Kuzmin, demanded an investigation into the crimes perpetrated by U.S. forces in Raqqa, which killed tens of thousands of civilians during their barbaric shelling. “We didn’t forget what the U.S. military personnel perpetrated in Raqqa during the barbaric military aggressions they waged along with the forces affiliated to them,” Tass news agency cited Kuzmin as saying in a statement during a session of the UN General Assembly on Human Rights in Syria. “There must be an investigation into the unprecedented crimes committed by U.S. forces “the statement added.

Minister of Education, Dr Darem Tabbaa, discussed on Saturday with the chairman of the Christian World Association in Russia Alexei Cherkezov mechanisms of developing the teaching of the Russian language, and improving the capabilities of its teachers, SANA reported. Tabbaa indicated the importance of activating student and teachers’ visits between Syria and Russia with the aim of exchanging educational and cultural experiences and unifying the efforts of the two peoples, noting the importance of rehabilitating Russian language teachers within two years due to the increasing demand for studying the language.

Russian warplanes on Saturday renewed their airstrikes using high-explosive missiles on the Jabal al-Zawiya region in the northern Idleb province, the last rebel stronghold in northern Syria. Informed rebel sources told Zaman al-Wasl that two Russian warplanes carried out eight raids on Saturday afternoon, targeting “al-Fateera” and “Fleifel”, and the surroundings of the town of “Sfuhun”, which caused widespread destruction in the towns on the line of contact separating the regime forces and the Syrian opposition forces in the area. On Friday morning, a Russian warplane targeted, with air-to-air missiles, the Tarhin area near the city of al-Bab, east of Aleppo governorate, without causing any casualties, while the raid was a training flight from the Hemeimeem airbase. Through it, live ammunition is tested in areas outside the regime’s control.

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Three persons were injured, on Friday, in separate shooting incidents in Syria’s southern governorate of Suweida. Khalid Ayoub, a civilian, was critically injured after being targeted by a group called “the Public Resistance” affiliated with the Military Security Branch of the Syrian government. Local sources told North Press that Ayoub was targeted after it was confirmed that he was involved in the abduction of the civilian Shadi Sha’rani. On March 10th, Sha’rani, who resided in the Jaramana suburb of Damascus, was kidnapped after a young woman lured him to travel to Suweida to buy a car. In addition, nurse Fida Abu Mighdeb was wounded, on Friday, after he was shot by thieves who tried to steal his car, an eyewitness said.

On Saturday, a member of the Turkish-backed Sultan Murad faction shot dead his wife in Molham Camp for the IDPs near Azaz city, in Syria’s northern city of Aleppo. A local source told North Press that the SNC member shot his wife as soon as he got home and that he was under the influence of drugs. Dealing and using illicit drugs are common in the areas controlled by the Turkish-backed Syrian opposition factions.

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