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Druze Clergy Calls on People of Suweida to Continue Protests

Hikmat al-Hijri, Sheikh al-Aql in the Druze community, said protests in Suweida should continue against the "internal siege", according to the Shaam News Network.
Druze Clergy Calls on People of Suweida to Continue Protests
Druze Clergy Calls on People of Suweida to Continue Protests

Hikmat al-Hijri, Sheikh al-Aql in the Druze community, appealed to the people of the Suweida governorate to continue their protests and express their pain. He called on those he described as “sinners” to admit their mistakes and “those who are unable to perform their duties” to step down “without lying, flattering, or resonant terms to justify negligence”. 

“We are in an external siege,” Hijri said in an official statement. Yes, but the internal siege of a bad government was the hardest and most violent,” he said, accusing the regime’s official media of “silence and negligence.” 

Read Also: Recap: Regime Tries to Control Suweida Protests

“We are knowledgeable people in Syria, and our wealth is abundant. We know that a large part of it is stolen from the outside, under local eyes or with some complicity, and the rest of the wealth is stolen from our people. This is what we want to suppress with the help of the honorable.” 

“Let them scream and express their pain so that people can hear them honestly, not as portrayed by the protectors of corruption.” We were never enemies of the homeland. We are people who want to live life with the good of their country without anyone’s pity and without humiliation. Let one of the top officials come out, and let their statement be true without justifying anyone’s failure.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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