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What Happened Over the weekend

Mekdad visits Palmyra artifacts in Oman, an HTS checkpoint is attacked, Iraq and Syria to enhance trade, and Air Force Intelligence soldiers killed in Daraa. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.
What Happened Over the weekend

Syria’s Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad and his accompanying delegation visited on Saturday the National Museum in Muscat. During the visit, he viewed Syrian archaeological artifacts mainly from the ancient city of Palmyra. Up to 131 Syrian artifacts were destroyed during the Syrian war, and nine artifacts from Palmyra will be restored in coordination with the Hermitage Museum, Oman News Agency reported. Mekdad arrived Friday in Oman on a visit that will last a couple of days.

Unknown attackers targeted a Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) security checkpoint known as the al-Ram checkpoint, on the northern entrance of Idleb with an RPG, a local source told North Press. The attack wounded two members of the checkpoint amid a state of security alert by HTS members near the entrances and exits of Idleb city. Violent clashes took place between the attackers and the members of the checkpoint before the perpetrators managed to escape, according to the source.

Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade, Mohammad Samer al-Khalil, and Iraqi Trade Minister, Alaa al-Jabouri, stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation between the two countries in all fields, SANA reported. The two sides signed the final communique of the tenth round of Iraqi-Syrian committee’s meetings concluded in Baghdad on Friday. On the sidelines of the meetings, Khalil met with Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq and Minister of Planning, Khaled Battal al-Najm.

A local source told North Press that unknown attackers killed several government soldiers from the government Air Force Intelligence branch, during a surprise attack in the city center of Dael in the Daraa countryside. The incident took place near a military checkpoint of the branch on the entrance of the city of Dael, the source added. The source stated that the armed attackers escaped on two bikes, heading towards an unidentified destination. Following the attack, members of the Air Force Intelligence, supported by vehicles of the Fourth Armored Division, combed the vicinity of the city, a member of the local central committees in Daraa who preferred to stay unnamed for security reasons told North Press. 

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