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Syria Condemns Terrorist Attack in Iran

The blast, which killed and injured a number of members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, was claimed by Jaish al-Adl reports SANA.
Syria Condemns Terrorist Attack in Iran

Syria condemned Wednesday’s attack that targeted the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, indicating that this cowardly crime affirms again the organic link between Takfiri terrorism and the powers of arrogance and hegemony led by the US.

“The Syrian Arab Republic condemns in strongest terms the heinous terrorist attack which targeted a bus transporting members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards causing the martyrdom of a number of them and inuring others,” an official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement to SANA on Thursday 

The source added that the US aims to destabilize Iran and the region, to serve the Zio-American project that seeks to impose control over the region and usurp its resources.

The source concluded by saying, “The Syrian Arab Republic renews its sympathy and full solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and expresses its deep condolences to the families of the martyrs of this heinous attack, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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