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Mannaa: Washington Entrusted Saudi Intelligence with the Task of Directing the Syrian Crisis

He refrained from commenting on the election of Ahmad al-Jarba as new president of the National Coalition of Revolution and Opposition Forces.
Mannaa: Washington Entrusted Saudi Intelligence with the Task of Directing the Syrian Crisis

President of National Coordination Commission in exile Haitham Mannaa declared that the United States authorized Saudi Arabia to be in chrge of the Syrian crisis; he mentioned that the Coordination Commission seeks to hold a consultation meeting for further political planning, especially after the "sluggishness" in American attitude towards Geneva 2.


"There is a vivid sluggishness in American attitude towards commitment related to Geneva 2, a commitment that results in actions and not just meetings whose sole purpose is to save the face of international (especially Western) countries which have no committed and concrete solution for the Syrian crisis," Mannaa said.


He added that the the United States is currently focused on the Palestinian-Israeli talks and on the situation in Egypt. Syria is no longer an urgent matter. Furthermore, the US has authorized Saudi intelligence to direct the Syrian crisis and we all know the political limit of this intelligence agency."


Mannaa mentioned that the National Coordination Commission "seeks a consultation meeting in the upcoming period, a meeting that gathers all Syrian democratic anti-dictatorship forces in order to set a common political program for the next stage."


"We in the National Coordination Commission support the formation of a temporary civil administration in the Kurdish region to facilitate the life of citizens and provide for their basic needs, as it is unacceptable that some crisis merchants take advantage of the circumstances there by planting hashish or raising the prices to unbearable levels for any citizen in those regions."


Mannaa avoided commenting on the election of Ahmad al-Jarba as new president of the National Coalition of Revolution and Opposition Forces.       




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