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Rebels Capture Khomeini Hospital at Sayda Zainab

The hospital is considered a main center for Hezbollah and Abu al-Fadhl Abbas militia groups
Rebels Capture Khomeini Hospital at Sayda Zainab

Activists have told Zaman al-Wasl that FSA fighters have taken control of Khomeini Hospital, situated in Diabieh near the Sayda Zainab area, following violent clashes that killed 15 pro-Assad Hezbollah mercenaries.


The hospital is considered a main center for Hezbollah and Abu al-Fadhl Abbas militia groups which Assad claims are protecting the Sayda Zainab shrine.


Some reported that rebels tore down the "Khomeini Hospital" sign, replacing it with the words "Sayda Aisha" hospital.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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