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Russia Trying to Avoid War: Lavrov

Moallem extended greetings to the American people for their awareness and support for Syria against the war
Russia Trying to Avoid War: Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that Russia is doing its best to prevent a war scenario in in Syria and following the path of a peaceful solution to the crisis.


After talks with the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem in Moscow, Lavrov urged the United States not to pursue military action and focus efforts on finding a peaceful solution to the crisis through convening a planned international conference in Geneva.


Speaking at a joint press conference with Moallem, Lavrov warned the use of force would result in an "orgy" of terrorist activity in Syria and that the region would see a dramatic increase in refugees feeling Syria, as already happened following U.S. President Barack Obama announcement of strikes.


He noted that Russia's assessments in this regard are shared by "statesmen and politicians all over the world."


Lavrov said that despite the seriousness of the latest situation, "we and our partners are convinced of the existence of peaceful means to politically settle the crisis in Syria."


He called for an investigation into all possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria, reminding that the leaders of the G8 Summit, held last June in Northern Ireland agreed that "all information and news in this regard should be investigated in a professional and objective way" and that "results are to be submitted to the Security Council "to form the necessary conclusions."


Lavrov said the statement from the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon comes at a time when it is necessary for the expert team investigating chemical weapons use to return to Syria and finish their mission in accordance with previous agreements.


He said Russia is keen to abide by international law and is working to implement the agreements reached at the latest G8 Summit which called for "the government and opposition to exert all efforts to expel terrorists."


Lavrov added that Syria has given a positive response to this call and expressed its readiness to cooperate.


He added that Syria has also expressed readiness to participate in the international Geneva II conference without preconditions as long as the opposition does the same and in accordance with the Geneva I agreement.


Lavrov asserted that Russia will continue, through the international institutions and through bilateral channels, to deliver support and humanitarian aid to the Syrian people in the affected areas.


For his part, Foreign Minister Moallem renewed Syria's gratitude for the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his efforts to prevent any aggression on Syria.


"History will judge the president who seeks to prevent war and make peace as stronger than the president who seeks war, because history has taught us that the first victims of all the wars are women and children," Moallem said.


He confirmed that Syria will fully cooperate with Russia in order to stave off U.S. aggression against Syria and to protect its people, children and country, also questioning the U.S. officials' pretext of chemical weapons use for action.


Moallem said that if the U.S. motives were really chemical weapons use, "then we say that the diplomatic channels to resolve this issue have not been exhausted."


"However, if the goal of this aggression on Syria, and this is what we think it is, is to strike the capabilities of the Syrian Arab Army in favor of Al-Qaeda and its militias in Syria like the Nusra Front, Ahrar al-Sham brigade and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, then this is another matter," Moallem added.


He questioned the U.S.'s real intent of launching an aggression in the Nusra Front's favor "in a powder-keg region."


"We are asking ourselves how Obama can … support those who in their time blew up the World Trade Center in New York," he told the press conference.


Moallem extended greetings to the American people for their awareness and support for Syria against war.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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