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Colonel Saadedine Explains Idriss Resignation

Saddedine says Idriss' removal was related to the storming of the FSA headquarters by the Islamic Front
Colonel Saadedine Explains Idriss Resignation

The member in the Higher Military Council of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and its spokesman, colonel Qasem Saadedine has commented on the resignation of the FSA chief, Salim Idriss, saying the decision was related to the storming of the FSA headquarters by the Islamic Front three months ago and that the decision he decision was agreed by all the members in the Supreme Military Council.


Saadedine told al-Arabiya that "after this operation, the armed Syrian opposition and the officers of the Free Syrian Army entered a state of chaos and they were deprived of their weapons. General Idriss did not succeed in the reconstruction of the FSA of in regaining its stolen weapons."


The Colonel stressed that Idriss was not solely responsible for the incident and said that mistakes were made by the leadership of the army because of the multiple external agendas.


Saadedine revealed there was American pressure to keep Idriss in his position and that some other parties threatened to stop armed support if Idriss resigned.


"But the current stage requires more efforts and better experiences. We are grateful for what Idriss has done for the Syrian opposition", Saadedine explained.


"Brigadier Abdulilah al-Bashir, who succeeded Idriss, is qualified and has enough military experience on the ground. There is also technical and military crew supporting him in his mission," the Colonel added.


Saadedine spoke about a "complete plan prepared by the Minister of Defense in the Interim Government, Saad Mustafa, to reconstruct the armed opposition and attract officers."


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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