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Regime, Rebels Negotiate Release of Douma Captives

Assad releases women and two children in exchange for regime officer's family

Regime, Rebels Negotiate Release of Douma Captives

The regime has released a man, three women, and two children from Douma in eastern Ghouta on Sunday in exchange for the family of an officer from Adra al-Ummaliyah. The family was captured when rebels stormed the city last year.

The exchange, which took several months of negotiations, led to the release of: Ali Nasrallah Abu Bashar, an agricultural engineer from the city of Douma; Mona Salah, a teacher, and Salah’s child; Abeer Buwaidani; and Nasreen Hamouda, along with her infant child.

Over a year after the storming of Adra al-Ummaliyah, where rebels captured a large number of shabeeha and their families, the regime has not shown any interest in the fate of the captives.

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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