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Reconciliation Minister: Syria Could Benefit From South Africa’s Experience

South African ambassador meets with Syrian official to discuss national reconciliation prospects
Reconciliation Minister: Syria Could Benefit From South Africa’s Experience

State Minister for National Reconciliation Affairs Ali Haidar met with South Africa’s Ambassador in Damascus, Shaun Byneveldt, to discuss strengthening cooperation between the two countries, claiming Syria could benefit from South Africa’s experience in national reconciliation.

Speaking to the press, Haidar said that the meeting touched on issues related to reconciliation and the pioneering experience of South Africa in nation-wide reconciliation projects, achieved by figures like Nelson Mandela.

In response to questions about reconciliation efforts in Damascus countryside areas such as Beit Sahem, Babila, and Yalda, Minister Haidar said that such efforts may be stalled because of militants linked to foreign parties and terrorist organizations – such as the Nusra Front, ISIS, and the Islam Army – adding that any force that is linked to foreign parties through financing, training, and agendas is against reconciliation.

He asserted that the State Ministry will continue to undertake local national reconciliation until it is completely achieved, adding that no project will prevail other than a Syrian project that fulfills the country’s interests.

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