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National Coalition: Qatar Will Not Abandon Syrian Revolution

Coalition says its visit to Qatar to secure support was positive, with the prince stressing Qatar's adherence to the fundamentals of the Syrian revolution and the departure of Assad
National Coalition: Qatar Will Not Abandon Syrian Revolution

Syrian National Coalition Vice President Nagham al-Ghaderi confirmed in a telephone interview with Madar al-Yawm that the Coalition's visit to Qatar was positive, with Qatari Prince Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani stressing that Doha will not abandon the Syrian revolution, even if the whole world has.

"We are studying the fate of the interim government and its president, Dr. Ahmad Tohmeh, and we are trying to find out why the support stopped. The Coalition will not delay the exclusion of anyone found to be the cause of this", Ghaderi said.

Ghaderi added: "The prince also focused on the role of the Coalition as a political reference for the revolution. Prince Hamad promised to provide support to the Coalition and the interim government without specifying the mechanisms or size of support".

Ghaderi said: "There is a close alliance between Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in order to find a solution for the Syrian issue. This solution will be discussed at the US-Gulf summit at Camp David early next month".

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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