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People’s Assembly Meets With Czech Senate on Prague Visit

Delegation meets with representatives from the Czech Republic to discuss the lifting of EU sanctions on Syria
People’s Assembly Meets With Czech Senate on Prague Visit

A delegation from Syria’s People’s Assembly, headed by Deputy Speaker Fahmi Hassan, met with Vice-President of the Czech Senate Ivo Barek on Wednesday to discuss the situation in Syria and counterterrorism efforts.

The delegation arrived in Prague on Tuesday for a four-day visit to Czech Republic upon invitation from the Czech Parliament.

The Syrian delegation will hold talks with senior deputies, chairmen and members of the European Union Affairs Committee to discuss EU sanctions imposed on Syria.

Speaking to SANA, Hassan said the Czechs are calling for dialogue in Syria, oppose any external interference in the crisis, and reject any support for terrorist organizations.

The deputy speaker said the visit follows a change in the political climate, as terrorism has spread to Europe, Tunisia, Kuwait and other countries in the region.

Hassan gave a review of the political situation in Syria where terrorism, which he said poses a threat to humanity and is financed by Saudi Arabia and Turkey, is being faced by the Syrian government.

He added that the unjust economic blockade imposed on Syria has negatively impacted the Syrian people, noting that the Czech Republic can play a significant role in lifting the economic sanctions imposed on Syria.

Barek, for his part, described talks with the Syrian side as “positive”, adding that Czech Republic and EU are interested in stability in Syria.

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