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Gulf States Declare Hezbollah a ‘Terrorist’ Group

Foreign ministry source says Syria rejects GCC declaration naming Hezbollah a terrorist organization
Gulf States Declare Hezbollah a ‘Terrorist’ Group

Syria said Wednesday’s decision by the Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) to declare the Lebanese Hezbollah group a terrorist organization reflects confusion on behalf of its key members and represents an attempt to hijack the will of the Arab people in the Gulf countries who reject normalizing ties with Israel.

“In a step that is in line with Israeli policy, the GCC issued a decision classifying Hezbollah a terrorist organization because it is confronting the Zionist project in the region and the Israeli enemy through its great sacrifices which have resonated across the Arab and Muslim nations,” an official foreign ministry source told SANA.

The source added that Hezbollah’s role in combating terrorism by the Islamic State group, Nusra Front and other organizations in Syria bothered some key Gulf states, mainly Saudi Arabia.

The source affirmed that Damascus will always consider Hezbollah an Arab resistance movement against Israeli aggression and terrorism, stressing that Syria takes pride in its ties with the resistance movement and respects the group’s sacrifices in Lebanon and Syria.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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