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Thousands of Civilians Displaced After ISIS Lays Siege to Marea

Around 3,000 people reach neighboring Afrin as ISIS forces commence offensive on the northern countryside of Aleppo
Thousands of Civilians Displaced After ISIS Lays Siege to Marea

The city of Marea in the northern countryside of Aleppo has recently witnessed a displacement movement toward Afrin and the surrounding villages after Islamic State militants imposed a seige on the city last Friday.

Enab Baladi’s correspondent in Afrin reported that at the time of writing about 3,000 displaced people had reached Afrin, adding that the number is increasing.

Over 500 people left the city toward Tel Rifaat, Kafer Naseh and Deir Jamal. According to the reporter, the displaced are escaping advancing ISIS troops in the area.

Negotiations took place Friday between the Free Syrian Army and Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) in Afrin. The talks led to the withdrawal of the FSA from Sheikh Issa city toward Marea, while YPG secured the road between Marea and Azaz for civilians.

Our correspondent reported that around 1,500 families left Marea when the battles started.

ISIS began attacking the northern countryside of Aleppo late last week, capturing a number of villages while besieging Marea and cutting it off from Azaz.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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