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Churkin: Years of Efforts in Vain Unless Serious Syrian Dialogue Begins

Russian ambassador says he hopes progress on a political settlement can be made before September's general assembly
Churkin: Years of Efforts in Vain Unless Serious Syrian Dialogue Begins

Russia’s permanent envoy to the UN siad that years of hard work by the international community to solve the Syrian crisis will not yield positive results without a serious intra-Syrian dialogue.

Speaking to reporters, Russia Today quoted Vitaly Churkin as saying that he hoped progress in the political settlement to the Syrian crisis would be made before the general debate at the UN General Assembly in New York in September.

“[UN special envoy to Syria] Staffan de Mistura has been working hard, has produced some papers, and we think that those papers need to be discussed by the parties, but the parties need to come together, to sit at the same table and to start being engaged in a serious conversation. So, if that were to happen, then I think after all the years of hard work and efforts by the International community, there could be a result,” Churkin said.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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