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2 Russian Soldiers Injured by Mortar Fire in East Aleppo: Russian Defense Ministry

Ministry spokesperson says officers from Hemeimeem monitoring center wounded in Aleppo while waiting for aid convoy to arrive
2 Russian Soldiers Injured by Mortar Fire in East Aleppo: Russian Defense Ministry

Two officers from the Russian cease-fire monitoring center at Hemeimeem were wounded by mortar fire from rebels in eastern Aleppo during the latest humanitarian truce, the Russia Today website reported the Kremlin as saying.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Igor Konashenkov said: “During the latest humanitarian truce, two officers from the Russian center for reconciliation were wounded while waiting for the arrival of a humanitarian convoy by shrapnel from a mortar attack carried out by militants from the eastern district of Aleppo.”

In a related context, Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council Jan Egeland said that the Syrian opposition in the eastern areas of Aleppo had agreed on the United Nations plan for humanitarian aid, delivering assistance and evacuation operations for medical reasons.

Konshenkov said that so far the Russian Defense Ministry does not have any reliable information regarding the proposed agreement: “no names, testimony or documents apart from the words of Mr. Egeland.”

The spokesman added that Russia will support any initiative to deliver humanitarian aid to the Syrian people, from all bodies and organizations, whether in east Aleppo or other parts of Syria.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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