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UAE Top Diplomat Visits Syria: What Does Abu Dhabi Want?

As the U.S. neutralizes the role of the UAE in several files, including in Syria, Abu Dhabi's move comes to expand its margin in the region, Mohamed Sarmini writes in Nedaa Post.
UAE Top Diplomat Visits Syria: What Does Abu Dhabi Want?
UAE Top Diplomat Visits Syria: What Does Abu Dhabi Want?

Since the Biden administration entered office, the UAE has been struck from the list of the United States’ favorite countries — a position that it rose to under the Trump administration. Because the UAE signed a full peace agreement with Tel Aviv, it has been spared from the public targeting that Trump’s allies have faced, despite being targeted by halting arms deals. But the recent visit by the top diplomat of the UAE to Syria came is a significant move.

Abu Dhabi feels deeply resentful of being neutralized by the United States on several issues. This development after increasing the degree of reliance on Doha, whose diplomatic presence has increased in the United States and internationally after the Taliban took control of Kabul.

Abu Dhabi’s uncomfortable new position in Washington prompted it to adopt policies inconsistent with U.S. trends, whether by supporting the coup in Tunisia and Sudan or by visiting Damascus. Abu Dhabi, in coordination with Tel Aviv, appears to be trying to pressure Washington to adopt different policies toward its allies.

Amid its policies to expand influence in the Middle East and Africa, Abu Dhabi in Moscow has found a reliable ally in many security, military, and diplomatic issues. This alliance has been reflected in the Libyan issue, as has been evident in many other issues, such as their position on the recent coup in Sudan.

Read Also: UAE Syria Move: Not Unpredicted but Still Untimely

Abu Dhabi is seeking to expand its own margins in the region, which could prompt Washington to rethink the possible mechanism for dealing with its role. This will prompt Iran and Russia to give the UAE preferential treatment in various issues, which helps Abu Dhabi gain more influence power.

The adoption by the UAE of what it calls “the return of Syria to the Arab brotherhoods” shows Abu Dhabi as an attempt to play the role of leader in the Arab region, enshrining Abu Dhabi’s policy of defiance toward Riyadh.

Remarks by the Syrian Observer: Mohamad Sarmini is the President and Founder of the Jusoor Center for Studies. He served as a former advisor to the President of the Syrian Interim Government.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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