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Turkish Occupation & SDF Dragging Northern Countryside of Aleppo into Further Escalation

Civil sources told Al-Watan that on Saturday and Sunday, the Turkish army's escalation had affected several towns.
Turkish Occupation & SDF Dragging Northern Countryside of Aleppo into Further Escalation

Sources following the field situation north of Aleppo indicate that the Turkish occupation army has engaged in the military escalation imposed by the Liberation of Afrin through its infiltration operations. This escalation has justified its bombardment of villages and towns in the Aleppo countryside since the beginning of this month, after a period of cautious calm. The area hosts pockets of Kurdish units, Syrian Arab Army units, and Russian observation points.

Sources explained to Al-Watan that the SDF, through the Liberation of Afrin infiltration operations causing casualties in the National Army militia of the Turkish administration, aims to disrupt the restoration of relations between Damascus and Ankara before news of rapprochement moves to negotiation tables. 

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The Liberation of Afrin conducted a new infiltration operation two days ago towards a Turkish military point near the village of Tuwais, adjacent to Marea, north of Aleppo. This was the sixth operation since the 7th of July, causing injuries to three gunmen from the National Army militia and material damage to the military point. 

On the 7th, an infiltration operation targeted the Turkish base in scientific research east of Azaz, followed by another towards the base in Kaljabrin, near Maraa, and three more on the 12th and 22nd targeting army points in Harbel and al-Ghouz, west of al-Bab city, injuring four Ankara militia gunmen.

Conversely, Turkish administration militias carried out three infiltration operations on the 21st and 22nd in al-Jarad and Arab Hassan near Manbij, where the SDF’s Manbij Military Council reportedly thwarted two attempts and caused injuries to the militias.

After each infiltration attempt, the Turkish army and its militias conduct heavy artillery shelling targeting towns and villages north and northeast of Aleppo, causing resident displacement to the south, particularly to Tal Rifaat, which has turned into an area full of refugee camps also struck by artillery.

Civil sources told Al-Watan that on Saturday and Sunday, the Turkish army’s escalation had affected the towns of al-Basliyah, Abyan, Shawargha, Uqaiba, Um Hosh, Ain Daqna, and Menagh, north of Aleppo, and Shuyoukh Fawqani in Ain al-Arab countryside. Clashes have occurred between the Manbij Military Council and the Turkish army and its militias, with no known outcome.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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