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Turkey Spreading Lies to Justify Afrin Campaign: Foreign Ministry

Syria says any foreign forces on its soil will be dealt with as 'occupiers,' SANA reports
Turkey Spreading Lies to Justify Afrin Campaign: Foreign Ministry

The Foreign Ministry on Thursday accused Turkey of invading northern Syria under false pretenses.

In a letter to the United Nations, the ministry said that Ankara continues to spread lies in an attempt to justify its military aggressions on Syria by citing self-defense as part of the U.N. Charter, echoing the tactics of the so-called U.S.-led international coalition when defending its horrific crimes perpetrated against innocent Syrian civilians.

It added that Syria rejects all attempts by the Turkish regime to use U.N. Security Council resolutions to legitimize the harm it causes to the sovereignty of other states through the launch of military operations on foreign soil under the pretext of counterterrorism.

“The Syrian Arab Republic stresses that the presence of any foreign military operations on its territories without its overt approval is an assault and occupation, which will be dealt with on that basis,” it said, adding that the Turkish military operation on Syria constitutes a violation of the U.N. Charter.

“Syria urges the UNSC not to allow to any state to use force in a way that contradicts with the international law or to depend on the charter to justify its aggressive atrocities,” it added.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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