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Turkey Spymaster Meets Syrian Opposition, Discuss Regime Normalization

Turkey has been keen to provide assurances to the Syrian opposition regarding the path of normalization, Enab Baladi says.
Turkey Normalization Syria Opposition
Turkey Spymaster Meets Syrian Opposition, Discuss Regime Normalization

During the past few days, Turkey has been keen to provide assurances to the Syrian opposition regarding the path of normalization between Ankara and the Syrian regime. This was publicly shown in the statements of Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on July 14, in which he stressed that his country will not change its position on the Syrian opposition and will leave it the choice regarding communication with the Syrian regime.

Informed sources said that the Turkish side held a meeting on Tuesday with the factions of the National Army and the Minister of Defense of the Syrian Interim Government. The meeting was attended by intelligence chief Ibrahim Kalin, security advisers responsible for the Syrian issue, as well as the former official in charge of the file nicknamed “Abu Said”.

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According to the sources, the Turkish side assured the Syrian delegation that Turkey is continuing its talks with the Syrian regime to preserve the unity of the Syrian territory and not allow it to be dismantled as a result of separatist projects. They also emphasized their keenness to activate a political solution to allow the return of stability in Syria. However, this path is completely separate from Turkey’s relationship with the Syrian opposition, and Ankara will not abandon this relationship or force the opposition into options it does not want.

Turkish Consultations with Syrian Opposition Institutions 

The Turkish side promised to reconsider the situation in the northwestern region of Syria concerning the management style, which has raised many popular objections in recent years. There have been demands for a new approach in the region and a reduction in the intervention of Turkish employees in administration. The Turkish side confirmed that it will develop a new coordination mechanism that allows the people of the region to manage their affairs while ensuring coordination between the two sides. The Turkish side held consultations with various Syrian opposition institutions before meeting with the factions of the National Army to discuss a common vision for dealing with the current situation.

The recommendations made by the Syrian institutions include restructuring the security institutions in northwestern Syria, ensuring the revitalization of the economy, and maintaining continuous communication within unions and community events, not just with official institutions.

Since the outbreak of demonstrations and clashes between the demonstrators and the Turkish side at the beginning of July, the Turkish side has intensified its meetings with opposition factions and Syrian political activists to work towards returning to calm. The Turkish side did not deny its desire to restore relations with the Syrian regime but stressed in the meetings that its steps would be in the interest of the opposition and Syria in general, without harming regime opponents or refugees.

On the eighth of July, a meeting was held in the Hawar Kilis area, north of Aleppo, attended by representatives of the Turkish side, commanders in the Syrian National Army, notables and academics, representatives of cities and towns, and several journalists. During this meeting, several issues related to concerns about normalization between Turkey and the Assad regime and the problems facing the region were raised.

Northern Syria says no to normalization

In their meeting with the Turkish delegation, headed by the official in charge of the Syrian issue, the attendees stressed their refusal to involve northern Syria in any form of normalization with the regime. They demanded the organization of local administrations, the cessation of Turkish coordinators’ interference, and the protection of Syrian refugees in Turkey.

The meeting came in the wake of several political and field developments, starting with remarkable statements made by Özgür Özel, head of the opposition Turkish Republican People’s Party, where he expressed his readiness to meet with Bashar al-Assad to discuss the mechanism for returning Syrian refugees in Turkey to their country. This was followed by statements from Turkish President Erdogan indicating his country’s readiness to establish diplomatic relations with Assad, stressing that “there is no reason not to establish diplomatic relations,” and that Turkey will continue to develop relations as they were in the past.

In this context, fears of growing Russian influence in northern Syria have increased. Last June, a Russian military patrol, accompanied by Turkish forces, tried to enter the city of al-Bab. This was rejected by the people and residents of the city, who prevented the Russian military delegation from entering after protests and blocking the roads leading to the Abu al-Zindeen crossing, separating the areas controlled by the Syrian regime.  

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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