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Turkey Defense Minister to Regime: We’ll talk to Whoever Comes to Power After Free Elections

Erdogan is striving to create an "environment of peace", Yasar Guler said, according to Syria TV.
Turkey Syria
Turkey Defense Minister to Regime: We’ll talk to Whoever Comes to Power After Free Elections

Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler stated that the operations of Turkey in northern Syria have brought stability to the border region. He called on the Syrian regime to draft a new constitution and hold free elections.

In a television interview with HaberTürk on Wednesday, Guler discussed Turkey’s actions in northern Syria, emphasizing the peace they have brought to the area.

He noted that President Erdogan is striving to create an “environment of peace” and mentioned the possibility of peace negotiations with the Syrian regime. However, Guler added that Turkey has conditions for such talks. He interpreted the Syrian regime’s demand for a withdrawal date as a reluctance to pursue peace genuinely.

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Addressing the Syrian regime, Guler stated: “We support a comprehensive constitution and free elections. Whoever comes to power through this process, we are ready to work with them.”

When asked about the U.S. supplying air defence systems to the YPG, Guler said: “From the beginning, there has been no distinction between the PYD and the PKK. It’s impossible not to see them as the same.”

He further criticized the U.S. stance, saying, “Our American friends say they need troops to fight ISIS. I’ve told them directly: ‘If you truly want to fight ISIS, we are ready to provide all the troops you need.’ But there has been no response.”

Guler concluded, “As NATO allies, it feels like they are mocking our intelligence.”

Eurofighter deal 

In a separate development, Guler announced that Turkey is close to finalizing an agreement to purchase Eurofighter aircraft, indicating that negotiations are nearing completion.

The Eurofighter is produced by a consortium involving Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy. However, Germany has yet to give its approval for the deal to proceed.

“We are hearing of positive developments from Germany, and we believe the deal will be finalized soon,” Guler said.

Turkey’s interest in acquiring Eurofighter jets comes amid uncertainty regarding the recent approval of the F-16 deal from the United States.

The final F-16 agreement, approved by the U.S. Congress, permits Ankara to purchase 40 new aircraft and modernize 79 existing ones.

Despite the progress in the F-16 deal, Turkish authorities are still pursuing the Eurofighter jets to diversify national defence capabilities.

Germany’s hesitation in approving the deal is linked to concerns over Turkey’s natural gas exploration activities in the eastern Mediterranean.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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