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Top Regime Commander Killed by Rebels in South Aleppo Clashes

Artillery School commander killed during fighting between the government forces and opposition groups south of Aleppo
Top Regime Commander Killed by Rebels in South Aleppo Clashes

Assad regime loyalist pages on Saturday mourned the manager of the Artillery School in Aleppo, Brigadier General Asaf Mohamed Khairbek, who was killed on Saturday in fighting with opposition forces south of the Aleppo city.

The Russia Today website confirmed Khairbek had been killed during clashes in the colleges area on the city’s southern front.

According to two pro-regime Facebook pages, “Syrian military capabilities” and the page “Newspaper of Qardaha, the lion’s den,” Khairbek died on Saturday in fighting in Aleppo.

The loyalist social media pages reported who they described as “the honorable general” Asaf Mohamed Khairbek was from the province of Lattakia and had been newly appointed in Aleppo.

The colleges area in Aleppo have witnessed heavy clashes between rebel groups and regime forces. Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, the successor to Nusra Front, released a video recording in which a number of dead regime forces were shown, having been killed during their attempt to advance to the Aero-Technical Academy.

The Jabhat al-Shamiya (the Levant Front) meanwhile published a series of video recordings, one of them showing a number of regime forces killed in the Aero-Technical Academy area after they were targeted with “Vaguc” rockets, while the rest show the destruction of a regime vehicle and the death of its crew and the wreckage of a T-72 tank in the area of the Aero-Technical Academy, hit by two Vaguc rockets.

Heavy fighting continued on Saturday between rebel groups and regime forces and armed loyalists, as the opposition halted a regime forces assault on the Dabaghat area in the Al-Ramousa district south of Aleppo.

Regime forces had announced on August 17 the death of the General Deeb Bazzi, head of the Aero-Technical Academy in Aleppo, who was killed during an attempt by regime forces to advance to the colleges area southwest of Aleppo.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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