
The Iranian Nuclear Agreement is a Loss for the Axis of Resistance

In return for the lifting of economic sanctions and a return of frozen assets, Iran must give up all of its nuclear ambitions after wasting trillions of the Iranian people’s money on these fantasies
The Iranian Nuclear Agreement is a Loss for the Axis of Resistance

If we checked what has been leaked so far about the recent US-Iranian agreement, we would notice it was signed by Tehran under the same conditions that were imposed since the beginning of the Iranian nuclear crisis. This means that Iran only achieved what is allowed by the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) and its additional protocol, authorizing Tehran to enrich uranium to 3.67 percent – which is enough for peaceful purposes. Therefore, Iran will give up all of its stock of highly enriched uranium, as well as its most advanced centrifuges, retaining around 5,000 of its oldest models which are only capable of enriching uranium to the permitted percentage. 

The agreement states that Iran must also give up 97 percent of its uranium stock (about 12 tons), only keeping 300 kg. International inspectors will be authorized to reach all military and civil areas, with the permission to meet with any Iranian authority regardless of their rank or mission – including “nuclear experts”. The sanctions imposed on traditional weaponry will remain for five more years while those related to ballistic weapons will remain for eight.

So, what victory did the Iranian regime achieve? The regime wasted 20 years without trying to develop their health, education and service sectors. Iran, which is considered one of the wealthiest countries in oil and gas, rich in water and agricultural reserves, and well known for the nobility and vitality of its people, places at the bottom of a long list concerning Gross Domestic Product (GDP), average income, human development, unemployment and literacy rates. This is a small comparison with Turkey, which is deprived of natural underground riches, and Saudi Arabia, which is home to huge oil reserve but is considered waterless, facing an unremitting climate for agriculture. 

The GDP of Turkey, a country of 75 million people, is believed to be around $900 billion, with an average personal income of about $12,500. The GDP of KSA, a country of 30 million people, is about $70 billion, with an average personal income of around $21,000.

By contrast, Iran’s GDP, with all its oil, gas, agriculture and industry is around $415 billion, with a population of over 80 million people. The average personal income is no more than $5,000, and the health, education and service-oriented infrastructure are underdeveloped, while the unemployment rate in Iran is equal to that of third world countries.

When reviewing these figures, we can reflect on the disaster the Mullah's regime has inflicted upon the nobility and vitality of the Iranians. But the question at hand is: what will the side effects be on the entire region, and especially Syria, and why did the Americans choose now to sign the agreement? 

Perhaps, the most significant thing that Iran has gained from this agreement was the gradual lifting of the economic sanctions, and the ability to retrieve all of its frozen assets inside European banks. In return, Iran has to give up all of its nuclear ambitions after wasting trillions of the Iranian people’s money on these fantasies.

The real disaster in the region, and in Syria, will result from the way Iran will use its money to support its allies and sectarian militias throughout the region, inflaming sectarian conflict. The failure of the American administration to prevent such a tragedy will only prove it has no misgivings with such an act, especially if this war continues to destroy Syria and the region, as long as Israel remains unharmed.

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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