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Syrian Recruits Trapped in Russia: Salaries Are a Hoax Because Death is Certainty

"99 percent of those who go to fight in Russia will meet their end", said a recruit from Suweida, according to Syria TV.
Syrian Recruits Trapped in Russia: Salaries Are a Hoax Because Death is Certainty

Recruits from the Suweida governorate serving in the Russian army have reported significant losses among their ranks following a Ukrainian attack on the Russian region of Kursk. Leaked recordings and photos revealed the extent of these losses.

Audio recordings from Suweida recruits, published by the al-Monitor website, highlight their fear on the front lines and the pervasive danger they face after the Ukrainian forces captured the Sidusa area in Kursk.

One recruit, trapped in the conflict zone, urged his fellow provincials to avoid falling into the Russian recruitment trap, warning that “going there is certain death.” He described the “high” salaries recently offered by Russian recruiters as a deceptive tactic, explaining that the contracts only promise payment after six months of service and do not include Russian citizenship.

First Syrian Death in Ukraine War

The recruit concluded by saying, “99 percent of those who go to fight in Russia will meet their end, and therefore will not receive any money for those six months, leaving their families without any compensation. It’s the price paid by mercenaries.”

Recently, a local news source documented the death of a Syrian fighting alongside Russian forces in Ukraine. The Qalaat al-Mudiq account on the X platform confirmed the death of Alaa al-Batal, a Syrian from Aleppo governorate, who succumbed to injuries sustained in Ukraine. This marks the first documented death of a Syrian recruit in the war.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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