
Syrian Man killed Inside Home in Istanbul by Turkish Citizen

A Young Syrian man was killed on Monday evening by a Turkish citizen inside his home in the city of Istanbul, according to the Zaitun Agency.
Syrian Killed Turkish
Syrian Man killed Inside Home in Istanbul by Turkish Citizen

A Young Syrian man was killed on Monday evening by a Turkish citizen inside the city of Istanbul, for unknown reasons. 

At two o’clock at night, a group of masked and armed Turkish young men stormed the residence of young Nayef al-Nayef and his friends, in the Bayrampaşa area of ​​Istanbul.   

The attackers broke down some of the housing facilities and the surveillance cameras, and then entered Nayef’s room, who was asleep at the time. He was stabbed in the chest by a member of the group. 

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Nayef was then rushed to Bayrampaşa state hospital but medical aid could not save his life. 

Siddiq al-Nayef said that there were no previous disagreements between the victim and any Turkish citizen in the neighborhood or in the area, as well as with his roommates. 

Nayef, born in 2003, comes from the village of Kafr Amim, which is affiliated with the city of Saraqib in Idleb. He will be buried in Syria after completing administrative procedures related to the hospital and border crossings. 

A few days ago, a group of Turkish people threw stones at a Syrian shop and broke it down because of an argument over a cigarette. Turkish authorities arrested seven people involved in the altercation. 


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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