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Syrian Government Forces Respond to Turkish Shelling in Aleppo Countryside

Turkey has failed to convince the international community to launch a military operation on northern Syria, according to North Press.
Syrian Government Forces Respond to Turkish Shelling in Aleppo Countryside

Syrian government forces targeted on Sunday military posts of Turkish forces in the village of Kafr Jannah in the countryside of Afrin region, in the northern countryside of Aleppo Governorate with five missiles.
This came in response to Turkish escalation on the northern countryside of Aleppo, as Turkish-backed armed opposition factions, also known as the Syrian National Army (SNA), fired 58 artillery shells on several villages in the northern countryside of Aleppo (Shahba region), which resulted in the injury of two soldiers of Syrian government forces, after targeting their checkpoint in the village of Tanab.
An informed source told North Press that the Syrian government forces fired the missiles from Menagh Air Base in Tel Rifaat.
The Turkish forces intensified shelling of the area, as they targeted the village of Aqiba, in the Shahba region, with five shells, most of which fell on the road connecting the village of Aqiba with al-Ziyara, and one of them fell in a pine tree forest, 500 km away from Aqiba, damaging many trees, according to an eyewitness.

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In addition, the SNA shelled the village of Tanab in Sharran district in the southeastern countryside of Afrin with 30 shells, two of them fell near a Russian base, 1km far from Tanab, at Faisal Mill, according to a military source.
The SNA factions targeted the villages of al-Malikiyah and Shawargha with 8 shells, lands between Tel Ajar and Faisal Mill with more than 12 shells, and the village of Sheikh Hilal with 3 shells, according to an eyewitness.
Additionally, the Turkish artillery shelled the road connecting the towns of Tel Rifaat and Deir Jamal, in the northern countryside of Aleppo, with six shells. This followed six other Turkish shells that fell on the vicinity of Tel Rifaat.
The number of Turkish shells in the northern countryside of Aleppo has reached 85, resulting in material damage.
Despite Turkish forces and its affiliated factions have been targeting the villages of Aleppo’s northern countryside a few months ago, today’s escalation is the heaviest one.
Turkey fails to convince the world
Turkey has failed to convince the international community to launch a military operation on northern Syria, but it continues committing human rights violations, said Mowafaq al-Ahmad, the official spokesperson of the Future Syria Party said on Sunday.
Al-Ahmad added that during Tehran’s trilateral summit, Turkey could not obtain the green light to launch a military operation on northern Syria.
The Tehran’s trilateral summit brought the presidents of Iran, Turkey and Russia together in July 19, and the Syrian issue topped its agenda.
“In fact, Turkey has recently escalated its attacks because it has not obtained international approvals,” al-Ahmad noted.
“These human rights violations by Turkey are not something new, Turkey has not stopped its brutal and public attacks against the unarmed civilians in the northeastern regions of Syria since 2019,” he noted.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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