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Syria Welcomes U.S.-Russian Rapprochement

Syria welcomes the U.S.-Russian "rapprochement" to hold a conference to find a political solution to end the conflict in Syria, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday.
Syria Welcomes U.S.-Russian Rapprochement


Syria said it welcomes what it described as U.S.-Russian "rapprochement" after U.S. Secretary of State and Russian Foreign Minister Wednesday agreed to hold a conference to find a political solution to end the conflict in Syria, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday.
The ministry said Syria was convinced of its ally Russia's firm commitment to the U.N. Charter and international law , particularly its policies of non-interference in Syria's internal affairs and rejection of the use of force against any state's territorial sovereignty.
"U.S. credibility now lies in working seriously with its allies to halt violence and terrorism and to stop the flow of weapons to Syria, to pave the way for the launch of a political dialogue," the ministry said in a statement.
It added that international powers must accept that the Syrian people alone must be responsible for their future state, without any foreign interference, the ministry added.
The statement said the Syrian government has taken steps towards implementing a political program, proposed by President Bashar al-Assad and based on the Geneva Communique, as a means to paving the way to a comprehensive national dialogue conference to be held in Damascus.


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