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Syria Condemns Holding Brussels Donors’ Conference Without Coordinating with Damascus

Syria regretted that even "the most prominent national humanitarian actors from the Syrian NGOs" were not invited, according to Athr Press.
Syria Condemns Holding Brussels Donors’ Conference Without Coordinating with Damascus

The European Union and its international partners gathered in Brussels Monday seeking to raise money for Turkey and Syria in the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated parts of both countries last month. Russia and Syria were not invited to the conference.

The International Rescue Committee, an aid group responding to humanitarian crises, said the situation in the region remains critical and urged donors to ensure the UN’s appeal for Turkey and Syria — calling for $1 billion and $397 million, respectively — is fully funded.

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“The people affected by this devastating earthquake are relying on donors meeting in Brussels to step up this week,” said Tanya Evans, the IRC’s Country Director in Syria.

Damascus condemned holding the “so-called Brussels Donors’ Conference for victims of the earthquake” without coordinating with the Syrian government or “even inviting Damascus” to participate in its activities.

“The conference is held without coordinating with the Syrian government representing the country in which this disaster befell or even inviting it to participate in its activities,” a statement by the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Monday.

” Those in charge of the conference even ruled out the participation of the most prominent national humanitarian actors from the Syrian NGOs,” The Ministry added.

The Ministry clarified the message of Syrians to those in charge of this conference is that “the minimum level of improving the humanitarian and living conditions of those affected by the quake catastrophe requires first and foremost that the sincere political will are there along with an immediate and unconditional lifting of the collective punishment policies imposed on Syrians, in addition to supporting the Syrian government’s efforts to realize early economic recovery along with reconstruction.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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