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Suweida Protesters Denounce Assad’s Government… Declare Civil Disobedience

Protesters demanded all gangs affiliated with Hezbollah and Iran and drug traffickers out of Suweida, according to Orient Net.
Suweida Protesters Denounce Assad’s Government… Declare Civil Disobedience

The demonstrators in the city of Suweida announced their continuation of general civil disobedience, in a statement consisting of five items and six demands in which they stressed the need to expel Assad’s militias from the governorate and their rejection of the deteriorating living and economic reality.

Local pages, including Sweida ANS,  published on Wednesday a video showing dozens of people during a peaceful sit-in they held in central Suweida, to denounce the policies of the Assad militia government and its cause of a number of worsening economic crises.

Protest in Suweida Calls for Political Transition in Syria

The protesters carried banners with phrases calling for the expulsion of the militias of Iran and Hezbollah, most notably: “Civil disobedience from Sweida..” and “releasing detainees from Suweida” and “expelling the security services.” 

Civil disobedience until six conditions are met

The demonstrators declared general civil disobedience in Sweida in escalating stages until the achievement of six main demands that cannot be reversed, namely:

  • First, improve the living conditions and secure diesel, fuel, electricity and water.


  • Second, arrest the corrupt, whatever their authority or mission, and transfer them to trial.


  • Third, expel corrupt security services that support drug trafficking and Iranian militias from Suweida.


  • Fourth, get all gangs affiliated with Hezbollah and Iran and drug traffickers out of Suweida.


  • Fifth, the immediate release of the detainees from Suweida.


  • Sixth, if the Baath Party is found to be involved in what is happening in the governorate, its members will be expelled from the governorate and anyone who works for Iran and Hezbollah.


The demonstrators’ statement also condemned the attempts of the Assad militia government to betray the people of Jabal al-Arab and accuse them of being agents of Israel. They called on the regime’s gangs to respond to Israel’s repeated raids on the militia’s areas of control, adding: “Be men and respond to Israel’s raids… Then they accused us as you wished… We already know that you are cowards in front of Israel.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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