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Suweida Protesters Demand Assad’s Departure in Chinese

This protest marked the sixth consecutive week of the ongoing popular movement in the governorate, according to Orient Net.
Suweida Protesters Demand Assad’s Departure in Chinese

The Suweida protesters conveyed a message to China, expressing their concerns about the invitation extended to drug lord Bashar al-Assad and his wife to attend the opening of the Olympic Games. They emphasized their demands for his immediate departure, the overthrow of the regime, and the full implementation of UN Resolution 2254.

In the heart of Suweida’s al-Karama Square, a significant demonstration unfolded, marked by the active participation of prominent women. This protest marked the sixth consecutive week of the ongoing popular movement in the governorate.   

Letter to China 

Demonstrators displayed placards featuring Chinese-language slogans calling for the departure of Bashar al-Assad, political transformation, and the implementation of Resolution 2254. They criticized the invitation extended to Assad and his wife to attend the opening of the Summer Olympics in China, with banners in Chinese reading, “Long live Syria and the fall of Bashar al-Assad.”

Commander of Free Syrian Army Declares Support for Suweida Protests, Seeks “Radical Solution” in Deir-ez-Zor

In southern Syria’s Suweida, popular protests are gaining momentum, entering their thirty-second day. These protests demand a political transition in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254, reflecting the absence of significant international political commitment to finding a solution in Syria.

Sources closely connected to Sheikh Hikmat al-Hijri, the spiritual leader of the Druze Almohad sect, disclosed in an interview with The New Arab that Hijri enjoys strong popular support both within and outside the governorate. Visitors from various segments of society flock to his residence in the town of Qanawat, and reports indicate that he has received unannounced calls of support.

On a different note, official and semi-official media outlets have attempted to undermine the Suweida demonstrations by disseminating rumours of fabricated bombings in Suweida and alleged attacks on military checkpoints, all occurring within hours. However, these rumours have not deterred the people from pursuing their uprising, as they remain undeterred by the regime’s propaganda.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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