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Suqur al-Jabal Brigade Claims Rocket Attack on Regime Headquarters

Rebel group says attack targeted Russian and Iranian advisers meeting in the Aleppo operations room
Suqur al-Jabal Brigade Claims Rocket Attack on Regime Headquarters

A number of Syrian army officers were killed and injured in a rocket attack on a regime operations room in the southern countryside of Aleppo on Thursday.

Rebel spokesman Abu Ali Taw told Anatolia news agency that "the target was the headquarters of the regime's operations room where Russian and Iranian officers and experts were holding a meeting," asserting that the "targeting of the building was carried out after monitoring the movements of regime forces in the region."

Abu Ali said opposition fighters used US-made anti-tank TOW missiles in the attack, a weapon that has played a key role in resisting the advances of regime forces in the southern countryside of Aleppo.

Recent online footage shows the rebel Suqur al-Jabal Brigade targeting the headquarters where a number of regime troops can be seen standing on the terrace prior to the rocket striking the building.

Regime forces launched a large-scale military operation with Russian air cover last week in the southern countryside of the province after failing to progress in the northern countryside of Hama, as opposition fighters continue to face off the regime's progress towards the Aleppo-Damascus international highway.

The recent military operations have caused a wave of displacement among locals in the region, where some sources have reported up to 35,000 people have been displaced as a result of the Russian bombing.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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