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Steifo: Regime, Russian Onslaught on Aleppo Has Failed to Achieve its Goals

Deputy opposition leader strikes defiant tone, claiming Russia is now seeking a way out of the trouble it has brought upon itself in Syria
Steifo: Regime, Russian Onslaught on Aleppo Has Failed to Achieve its Goals

Vice President of the Syrian National Coalition Abdul Ahad Steifo said that the ongoing brutal assault on Aleppo by the Assad regime, Russia and Iran-backed militias has so far failed to retake the entire city, despite the genocidal crimes being committed against civilians.

Aleppo has seen the gravest war crimes since World War II, the opposition member said, adding that "the regime, Russia and Iran have not achieved their objectives in Aleppo. Russia is now seeking to get [out] of the trouble it brought upon itself in Syria.”

Aleppo and its countryside have been subjected to ferocious onslaught by the Assad regime and allied forces since Nov.15. Over 750 people, mostly women and children, have so far been killed and thousands more injured in the ongoing bombing campaign on the city and its countryside.

Steifo stressed the urgent need to resume the political process through negotiations in Geneva and the enforcement of U.N. resolutions, especially the humanitarian provisions that call for an end to the bombing, the lifting of sieges and delivery of aid to civilians.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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