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Serious Injury: What did Israel Target with Recent Strike on Syria?

Video clips circulated by activists showed the airstrikes targeting multiple locations in the Damascus countryside, according to al-Souria Net.
Serious Injury: What did Israel Target with Recent Strike on Syria?

The state news agency SANA reported that there was an Israeli bombardment on Wednesday morning, targeting multiple locations in the southwestern area of the Syrian capital, Damascus.

According to the agency, the shelling originated from the Syrian Golan region and resulted in a severe injury to a soldier from Assad’s forces, as well as causing material damage.

A military source quoted by the agency stated, “At approximately one o’clock and five minutes in the early hours of today, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial attack from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan.”

“The attack aimed at specific sites southwest of Damascus, and our air defence systems successfully intercepted and destroyed some of the hostile missiles,” the source added.

The 18th Israeli bombardment 

Local sources reported that Damascus, the capital of Syria, experienced powerful explosions at dawn, believed to be caused by Israeli shelling.

Video clips circulated by activists showed the airstrikes targeting multiple locations in the Damascus countryside, resulting in fires and billowing smoke.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the strikes impacted areas near Damascus International Airport and the Kiswah region, southwest of the capital.

The strikes specifically targeted weapons depots belonging to Iranian militias in the vicinity of Damascus airport, causing significant destruction, the observatory confirmed.

In al-Kiswah, the shelling hit two sites, including air defense batteries and a Hezbollah ammunition depot, as reported by the observatory.

Despite the Syrian regime’s efforts to defend against the bombardment, Israeli missiles successfully reached their intended targets, the observatory stated.

The shelling resulted in a severe injury to a soldier from the regime forces, while reports indicate casualties among militia members.

As usual, Israel has not provided any comments regarding the recent bombing in Damascus.

Israel has been conducting airstrikes in various parts of Syria for several years, with an increased frequency in recent months.

Since the beginning of 2023, there have been a total of 18 Israeli strikes, consisting of 14 aerial attacks and 4 ground operations.

According to the observatory, these strikes have caused damage and casualties to 41 targets, including weapons and ammunition depots, headquarters, facilities, and vehicles.

48 military personnel from Assad’s forces and supporting militias have been killed, and 37 others, including critical injuries, have been reported.

The strikes were carried out in multiple regions of Syria, including seven in Damascus and its countryside, fiv in Quneitra, three in Sweida and Aleppo, two in Homs and Daraa, and one in Tartous and Hama.

The observatory also noted that Israel occasionally targets multiple governorates simultaneously, leading to variations in the number of strikes and targets.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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