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SDF Syriac Official Denies Potential Turkish Attack on Syria’s Northeast

The officer said that opposition groups were too distracted by their internal disputes to launch any offensive. North Press reports
SDF Syriac Official Denies Potential Turkish Attack on Syria’s Northeast

Aram Hana, an official in the Syriac Military Council branch of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), denied rumors about a Turkish-backed opposition invasion of northeastern Syria.

In a special statement to North Press, Hana said that opposition media propaganda aims to distract from intra-opposition disputes, pointing out that Turkish-backed Syrian opposition groups continue to engage in clashes with each other over the distribution of looted and stolen property in Sere Kaniye and the countryside of Tel Tamr.

Turkish-backed opposition groups cannot start a new military operation amid their disputes over spoils of war, according to Hana.

Recently, opposition accounts and sites have published videos showing Turkish-backed opposition groups discussing a new attack on SDF-held areas, without mentioning its time and place.

The Syriac official further added, “recently, we have noticed the arrival of new defensive reinforcements, not offensive ones, to the opposition frontlines.”

Mustafa Bali, head of the SDF Media Office, said that they are committed to the two ceasefire agreements that Turkey signed with both Russia and the US after the 2019 Turkish invasion of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ayn) and Tel Abyad (Gre-Spi).


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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