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Russian Warplanes Bomb Aleppo Countryside Twice in Three days

Russian warplanes continue to bombard HTS and Turkish-backed factions in Northern Syria, according to North Press.
Russian Jets Target aleppo twice in 3 days
Russian Warplanes Bomb Aleppo Countryside Twice in Three days

On Tuesday, Russian warplanes targeted the outskirts of Darat Izza, north of Aleppo, with three airstrikes.

The Russian bombardments mainly targeted the al-Sheikh Suleiman region on the outskirts of the city, where the headquarters of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) likely are.

The shelling followed a meeting held between Syrian President Bashar Assad and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow, during which they discussed different issues, including the “completion of liberating lands that are still under the control of terrorist factions.”


Russian warplanes also conducted airstrikes on areas held by Turkish-backed factions west of Aleppo, while areas in the countryside of Idleb and Hama witnessed continuous mutual shelling.

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Russian warplanes targeted the eastern countryside of Darat Izza, west of Aleppo governorate, with four airstrikes twice in three days, military sources from the factions told North Press.

The airstrike targeted lands in the area between Darat Izza and al-Sheikh Suleiman region, reporting only material losses, the sources indicated.

Meanwhile, Damascus government forces continued their artillery and missile shelling of the towns of al-Fatira and Sufuhun in addition to the vicinity of Kansafra town in Zawiya Mountain, south of Idleb, according to the same sources.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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