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Regime Fabricating Reports Over Civilians Fleeing Rebel-held Aleppo

Correspondent and activists say civilians still in danger from government and Russian forces as regime falsifying facts as part of media campaign
Regime Fabricating Reports Over Civilians Fleeing Rebel-held Aleppo

Zaman al-Wasl’s correspondent has rejected news reports by loyalist media, as well as local and international news agencies, about families besieged in Aleppo’s eastern neighborhoods leaving to regime controlled areas via a humanitarian passage.

Our correspondent indicated that all passages the regime claims it prepared with the aim of evacuating civilians from rebel controlled parts of Aleppo are now closed. The correspondent confirmed that no cases of people leaving to regime-controlled areas have been documented until this point in time.

The correspondent highlighted that regime snipers located all along the demarcation lines between the eastern and western neighborhoods are targeting any movement.

Activists circulated video recordings showing the passage for Salah el-Din neighborhood empty of civilians. Live rounds shot by the snipers located at the end of al-Shariet street can be heard in the recording.

Pro-regime media outlets published on Saturday, July 30, images showing a number of civilians whom they said left the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo through Salah el-Din crossing to head to regime-controlled areas.

Media sources refuted the claims, confirming that the images were caught earlier when humanitarian aid was being distributed to civilians.

Following the regime and its militias taking control of Castello Road, pro-regime media outlets previously circulated news and information about the evacuation of dozens of families through a humanitarian passage to regime-controlled neighborhoods, an issue refuted by the Syrian Red Crescent and Zaman al-Wasl’s correspondent.

A source in the Red Crescent, who preferred not to disclose his name, told Zaman al-Wasl that he believes the regime is falsifying the truth as part of the media campaign to appear to keep its commitments before its Russian ally.

In the same context, UK-based monitor the Syrian Network for Human Rights warned all civilians in the besieged neighborhoods of Aleppo city against leaving via one of the regime’s passages, claiming that anyone who leaves through these passages will be subject to accusations from the regime and will be arrested by the security apparatuses.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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