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Rebels Capture Iranian Soldier and Brigade Commander in Daraa

Iranian soldier and Brigade 82 commander captured by rebels in country's south
Rebels Capture Iranian Soldier and Brigade Commander in Daraa

Fighters of armed opposition factions in Daraa, south of the country, have captured a number of officers and soldiers, including one Iranian, fighting in the ranks of regime's army during the liberation of Brigade 82 in the town of Sheikh Miskeen, Daraa.


Local activists published photos of the alleged Iranian soldier on social networking sites, claiming the Nusra Front has captured him along with a number of regime army officers.

Suleiman Zoubi, media activist in the countryside of Daraa, said in an interview with All4Syria that the Iranian soldier was captured by the Nusra Front during the liberation of the electricity building barrier near Brigade 82. Zoubi said the Iranian would likely be retained for use in the exchange of detainees with Assad's regime.


The commander of the Brigade 82 operations room, Colonel Abdurrahman Sheikh Hussein, was among those captured. A video clip of Hussein confirms the commander was injured in battle, while another clip showed his wounds bandaged with a voiceover saying he will be sent to trial.


Military factions in Daraa have recently announced the liberation of Brigade 82 Air Defense in the city of Sheikh Miskeen, along with the ammunition battalion and its surrounding farms on the outskirts of the city and the barrier of electricity building, after several battles were launched by the FSA and other armed groups.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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