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Press Communiqué on the meeting between the internal opposition and Lakhdar Librahimi

Mr. Librahimi’s proposals were identical with the internal opposition proposals, a statement says
Press Communiqué on the meeting between the internal opposition and Lakhdar Librahimi

On October 21, a joint delegation from the National Coordination Commission (NCC), al Tadamun Party (solidarity), al Tanmiah Party (Development), the National Current, and representatives from the human rights organizations and civil society met with Mr. Lakhdar Librahimi, the UN-AL Envoy to Syria. The two parties reviewed the general situation in Syria and means to get out of the crisis that storms the Syrian people and homeland.


Mr. Librahimi briefed the delegation on his latest tour which included all the concerned countries as well as his meetings with different Syria opposition groups. He explained to the delegation the goal of the truce he had proposed to take place during the Adha Eid.


The delegation expressed its support to Mr. Librahimi’s mission and to the need to a truce that will hopefully continue during the Eid and become permanent, so as to be an introduction to a political solution that should be achieved in light of the Action Group Geneva communiqué on Syria.

The delegation provided a written document to Mr. Librahimi which contained the NCC’s and the internal opposition’s vision to the solution in Syria




UN-Arab League peace envoy Lakhdar Librahimi today pressed Syria's embattled President Bashar Al-Assad to end the bloodshed in Syria, where the conflict between the regime and an armed insurrection has taken an estimated 30,000 lives, reported Reuters.

Librahimi appealed to both sides, issuing a "call to every Syrian, on the street, in the village, fighting in the regular army and its opponents, for them to take a unilateral decision to stop hostilities," he said in a statement released today, according to Agence France-Presse.


Brahimi said he had reached out to Syria's scattered opposition movement, both inside the country and abroad, with his appeal for peace, according to Reuters.


"They answered that they would respond positively to a [cease-fire] initiative from the government," he told reporters, adding that the hope is "Eid in Syria will be calm, even if it is not a happy Eid."


Brahimi arrived in Syria on Friday after visiting a number of Middle Eastern countries in a bid to unite international efforts behind a solution for the conflict in Syria.


* To read more about Geneval Communique, please go to: http://www.un.org/News/dh/infocus/Syria/FinalCommuniqueActionGroupforSyria.pdf  


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