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President Assad: People’s Commitment to Just Causes Protects Nations

President al-Assad highlighted that the only topic of significance is the recent developments in Palestine, according to al-Baath.

President Bashar al-Assad declared that the current battle is one of truth. He emphasized that recent events in Palestine have shattered the global dominance of the Zionist narrative. He stressed that steadfast commitment to just causes is crucial for safeguarding homelands.

While chairing a Central Committee meeting of the al-Baath Arab Socialist Party, President al-Assad remarked that the Palestinian people have successfully clung to their cause. He noted that Western officials’ support for Israel is akin to a mother’s instinct to defend her child, with Israel being the direct offspring of colonialism.

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President al-Assad highlighted that the only topic of significance is the recent developments in Palestine, particularly in Gaza. He stated that these events have altered historical perceptions for years to come, independent of the war’s outcomes. These facts and lessons, he asserted, are vital for all to learn, as they greatly align with Syria’s experiences and those of other Arab and non-Arab nations, given that the underlying principles are common to all peoples and nations.

Key Points from President al-Assad’s Speech:

– The Palestinian narrative has successfully challenged and weakened the Zionist narrative.

– A crucial aspect of this conflict is the decline of World Zionism’s control over the narrative since the Palestinian issue first arose. Zionism has lost its grip on its narrative, even in its primary strongholds, including the U.S. While this doesn’t imply that the American public is now pro-Palestine, there is a growing skepticism about Zionist narratives. This skepticism closely mirrors Syria’s early experiences in the war.

– Emphasizing the importance of public trust, President al-Assad noted that if a people cannot defend its homeland, the state loses its purpose and hope in safeguarding its nation.

President Bashar al-Assad offered a critical perspective on historical and current geopolitical issues, focusing on the West’s role in World War II and the evolution of the Palestinian Cause.

The U.S. and Nazism: A Revisionist View

President al-Assad challenged the conventional narrative of World War II, asserting that the defeat of Nazi Germany began in 1941 with the Battle of Moscow, nearly two years after the war started. He contended that Western powers, particularly the United States, were initially inactive against Nazism. According to al-Assad, the U.S. hoped for Nazism and Communism to mutually weaken each other, aiming to subsequently dominate a devastated Europe. He suggested that the U.S. entered the war between 1942 and 1944, only when it became apparent that the Soviet Union was nearing victory. The goal, he claimed, was to claim victory for themselves and to prevent Soviet advancement into Eastern Europe.

Revival of the Palestinian Cause

Discussing the Palestinian Cause, President al-Assad remarked that recent events had reignited global interest in the issue. Contrary to the belief that the Palestinian Cause had been resolved, he noted that the recent struggle, especially in Gaza, had brought the issue back to its fundamental roots: a conflict between an occupier and the rightful landowners. He emphasized that the essence of this conflict had been obscured globally, leading to a perceived dissolution of the issue. However, recent events have resurrected it to its original status, pre-Oslo Accords and pre-Peace Process.

Israel, a State Born of Political Decision, Not Cultural Accumulation

President al-Assad also critiqued the foundations of Israel, arguing that unlike societies built through the accumulation of civilization—encompassing geography, history, culture, and beliefs—Israel was established through a political decision. He opined that politics alone cannot create peoples or civilizations. He described the result as a ‘monster’ living in contradiction with natural and human laws, in stark contrast to its neighbouring peoples. He pointed to the behaviour of Israeli settlers and the actions of the Zionist army as indicative of a troubled people, characterizing the army as both excessively violent and cowardly.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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