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PKK Delegation Meets Ali Mamlouk in Damascus

Ties between the PKK and the Regime intelligence were never cut, according to Syria TV.
PKK Delegation Meets Ali Mamlouk in Damascus

On Sunday, an informed Kurdish source revealed that a delegation from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) had met with Syrian regime intelligence officials in Damascus to discuss the situation of areas under the PKK’s control in western Kurdistan (Syrian Kurdistan). 

“A PKK delegation led by Sabri Awk recently visited Damascus and met with Ali Mamlouk, a senior security official in the Syrian regime’s intelligence service. They discussed the situation in areas under the PKK’s control in western Kurdistan and Aleppo,” the source close to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) told Basnews. 

“The two sides agreed to calm the situation in areas under the PKK and PYD’s control and work together, in accordance with previous agreements between the two sides,” he added. 

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Human rights activist Mahmoud Alou told Basnews that the PKK has not broken off its relationship with the Syrian regime’s intelligence for even a moment. He noted that “there are multiple agreements between the two parties concerning the security of the common areas, as well as the prosecution of Kurdish activists opposed to the regime.” 

He added that “the PKK occasionally hands over Kurdish activists opposed to the regime, in accordance with agreements between the two parties. There are many examples of this cooperation, including Abdul Rahman Abu, the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Syria).

“The two sides have extensive business ties, including providing the party administration with fuel through brokers. They also provide pro-Ankara militias with all their fuel needs,” Alou said. 

“The PKK’s priorities are economics and making money, primarily for Qandil’s leadership; everything related to the Kurdish issue is secondary,” he said.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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