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Opposition Holds Forum on Improving Health Services in Liberated Areas

Coalition media office reports on paneled discussion in Istanbul covering ways to strengthen the health sector in opposition-held areas amid continued assaults on medical facilities by regime and allied forces
Opposition Holds Forum on Improving Health Services in Liberated Areas

Syria’s main political opposition organized a forum ealier this week on the challenges facing the health sector in the liberated areas in light of the continued targeting of hospitals by the Assad regime and its allies.

The panel discussion, organized by the Syrian National Coalition in cooperation with the Syrian interim government and the National Democratic Institute, was held in the Turkish city of Istanbul on Wednesday.

Speaking at the event, interim government Health Minister Firas Jundi said that the Assad regime and its allies systematically and deliberately target medical facilities in liberated areas.

Attendees discussed ways to improve the health sector and the reality of the situation regarding hospitals, health centers, field hospitals, physiotherapy centers, pharmacies and medical equipment.

Talks also centered around the pharmaceutical industry, including smuggled medicine, vaccinations, and ways to manage prices and the supply of medication. Participants also discussed ways to impose oversight on the work of hospitals and organizations working in the health sector in liberated areas.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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