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Night of “Violence and Chaos” in Jaramana, Damascus

Tensions flared in the area following a confrontation between young men from the Jaramana camp and others from the city of Jaramana, al-Souria Net reports.
Night of “Violence and Chaos” in Jaramana, Damascus

The Jaramana area, located in the countryside of the Syrian capital Damascus, experienced significant security developments when a brawl escalated into an armed clash, leading to subsequent demonstrations against the regime.

On Sunday night, the region endured a night of unrest marked by “violence” and “tension,” with clashes involving the use of weapons and machine guns. This chaotic situation had a profound impact on local shops, streets, and squares.

How did the unrest start? 

Tensions flared in the area following a confrontation between young men from the Jaramana camp and others from the city of Jaramana, resulting in the accidental injury of Osama al-Halabi, a resident of the city, by a stray bullet.

The initial altercation between the two groups escalated from clashes involving knives and sticks to more severe exchanges of heavy gunfire and machine gun clashes.

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The situation was aggravated by the spread of “fake” news, including reports of the young man’s death, which sparked anger among his friends and residents in the area. However, it was later confirmed that the young man was in stable condition, and an audio recording of him corroborated his well-being.

Videos circulating on social media depicted the chaos that engulfed Jaramana on Sunday evening. Incidents included streets being set on fire to block roads and shops being vandalized, resulting in significant material damage.

The regime has not issued an official statement regarding the events in Jaramana, leading residents to report that their intervention in breaking up the clashes was delayed. Local sources stated that the security forces only intervened after the situation had already subsided, and their presence was limited to key areas in the city.

Kifah al-Shaibani, the head of the city council, explained that the dispute arose following the death of one of the young men, injured the previous day by gunfire from individuals living in Jaramana camp. Elders and sheikhs of the region intervened to resolve and calm the tensions among the youths.

It is worth noting that the city of Jaramana is home to residents from the Suweida governorate, while the city’s camp accommodates Palestinian refugees.

During the chaotic events, there were instances of “racist incitement” against city residents, leading to attacks on shops belonging to Palestinians and Iraqi residents.

In addition to the clashes, there were reports of political slogans denouncing the Assad regime during the protests in Jaramana. However, these reports could not be independently verified.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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