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NCC calls on foreign coutries to stop sending arms to all parties in Syria

The National Coordination Committee has called on the Syrian people to take “brave positions in order to rescue the country” with the least losses.
NCC calls on foreign coutries to stop sending arms to all parties in Syria


The National Coordination Committee has issued a statement calling on the Syrian people to take “brave positions in order to rescue the country” with the least losses.


The NCC said in a statement a copy of which was received by the Syrian Observer that the first step required now is to “stop exporting weapons to all parties alike.”


The statement condemned an-Nusra Front, which announced its affiliation with al-Qaeda, and added that this group and the like-minded “contradict the legitimate aspirations of our people.”


It also called for all non-Syrian  fighters  wherever they came from and under any reasons they came for, whether fighting the regime or fighting against the regime.


It called for the dismantling of the “undisciplined militias including the so-called “the National Defense Army,” because they “destroy the society’s unity.”


The statement called for the importance of “retrieving the peaceful resistance” and putting and ends to the “military solution.”


It called on Lakhdar Librahimi not to resign as this resignation “will pour in the mill of expanding the circle of violence, and will negatively affect the chances of a political solution.”


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