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Muallem Stresses Avoiding Politicization of ICRC Work

In a meeting with the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Walid al-Muallem has hailed the work they do, but warned that their efforts must not be politicized writes SANA.
Muallem Stresses Avoiding Politicization of ICRC Work

On Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Muallem discussed with President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Peter Maurer and the accompanying delegation the distinguished cooperation and relations between the Syrian government and the ICRC.

The two sides discussed the positive role of the continuous coordination between them, as well as the cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), to ensure that the services provided by the ICRC reach all groups affected by the terrorist war and the sanctions imposed on Syria.

The two sides stressed the need to maintain constant coordination and communication to overcome any challenges and obstacles that could arise.

Muallem praised the trust that has been built between the two sides over the past few years, affirming Syria’s commitment to provide all forms of support and facilitation to the ICRC, stressing the importance for the Committee abiding by the principles of humanitarian work and preventing any side from influencing or politicizing its work and projects, and from damaging the positive relation it has with Syria.

The Minister reviewed the Syrian government’s efforts to alleviate the humanitarian crisis affecting the Syrian people, affirming its commitment to supporting all projects or initiatives that seek to support the Syrian people.

He also said the ICRC activities must address the new challenges that have emerged in areas recently liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army, calling on the organization to expand its efforts in those areas, mainly the liberated parts of Aleppo, Idleb, and Hama provinces.

Muallem stressed the importance of providing immediate aid and support, to help ensure the return of normal life to those areas and facilitate the return of their people to their homes.

For his part, Maurer said the ICRC is proud of its distinguished relationship with Syria, thanking the Syrian government for its considerable and continuous support and facilitations.

He affirmed his constant commitment to maintaining the trust that the Syrian government has for the ICRC.

Maurer also reviewed the ICRC’s current work and projects in Syria, praising the role played by the SARC in humanitarian efforts, and affirming that the Committee is keen on expanding its works and activities in the country.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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